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Dining at Dove's Nest


The Disciples Women of Central Christian Church of Dallas enjoyed their annual field trip Tuesday with a visit to the historic Texas town of Waxahachie. 

First stop was for lunch and shopping at The Dove’s Nest— the charming restaurant and gift shop located in historic downtown Waxahachie.  The award winning restaurant owned by Cindy and Andrew Burch serves “New Southern Cuisine” and has been featured in “Southern Living” magazine, “Better Homes and Gardens” and was voted as one of the ten best small town restaurants in the state by “Texas Monthly.”  Besides good food, the Dove’s Nest is where you want to be for browsing and shopping for everything from art and jewelry to those collectables that make up your special treasures. 

After a delicious lunch of Apricot Chicken Salad, spinach salad and fresh fruit, Ghost Tours guide, Doug Reed, joined the group for a short walk to Waxahachie’s famous courthouse and the story of how Harry loved Mable.  

The towering courthouse is stunning, but it is the intricate sculptures on the exterior that have attracted the most attention to the building.  Legend has it that German itinerant stone carver Harry Herley fell in love with a local girl, Mabel Frame, whose grandmother owned the boarding house where he was staying. 

Alas, as is often the case, Mabel did not love Harry back.  As Harry’s work progressed on the courthouse, the beautiful likenesses of Mable eventually turned into grotesque faces. Sweet love gone sour! 

Next stop on our walking tour was the historical Roger’s Hotel.  After fires had destroyed the original structures, the current hotel was built in 1912 and much of its history includes paranormal activity.  Much of the lore of unexplained happenings centered on the elevator and the basement below, but the brave group of visitors was undaunted and showed no fear when boarding the old Otis.  However, when tour guide, Reed, confirmed that many ghostly shadows were caught in photos rather than by the human eye, the cell phones came out.  

The Waxahachie excursion was another fun day for the Disciples Women who enjoy combining community outreach, learning and fun.  Throughout the year, the organization heads up many charities such as coat and blanket drives, filling “little red socks” for Bryan’s House, supporting an Angel Tree and purchasing school supplies for a low-income elementary school in the community and donating food to North Dallas Shared Ministries.  

The next meeting will be the installation of officers on Tuesday, May 2 in the church parlor with lunch in the church fellowship hall.  

You do not have to be a member of Central Christian Church to enjoy Disciples Women’s meetings.  Call Shelia 214-827-4568 for more information.   

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