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Trees by Woods

Dallas arborist Tyson Woods has been caring for many of the finest gardens and trees in the Dallas Ft. Worth area since 1975. In addition to running his own business, “Trees by Woods,” (note the play on his name) Tyson has been active in the Dallas Arboretum and often speaks at garden clubs and circles on the care of trees and gardens. You may have seen him on Channel 8 News last week following the storm that damaged many area trees. 

There is no doubt that Tyson loves trees and nature. But after meeting him, you quickly realize that Tyson simply loves “all the good” that God has given us.   

Tyson and his wife Karen have two grown daughters and three grandchildren.  He is an elder at Central Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in Dallas and preaches the sermon in the dog park (yes Central Christian Church holds services in the dog park) the first and third Sundays of the month. 

About 45 minutes south of Dallas is a farm owned by Wilson and Betsy Fuqua who share the farm with their good friends Karen and Tyson. The farm is where Tyson grows and holds trees until they go to their "forever home." This farm is on the Bluebonnet Trail that winds around the area of historic Ennis, Texas. 

Each April the spectacular and beloved Texas Bluebonnets and Indian Paintbrushes present a showy landscape of wildflowers that draw Texans to EllisCounty from all around the state to take pictures and “awe” at the colorful fields. April is also when the two families host the annual Fuqua/Woods picnic. 

And what a wonderful gathering! The picnic scene of people engaged in conversation among the flowers, kids “outdoors” riding the hay wagon, the sweet smell of barbecue wafting through the air touches all our senses— taking us back to simpler times. 

During difficult seasons and periods of unrest in our world, we especially need to be reminded of the “good” in life and be thankful for the many blessings that we do have. Sometimes, something as simple as a picnic (a gathering of people and food) may be that reminder. 

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