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Join us as we celebrate St. Francis of Assisi and The Blessing of the Animals. 

Sunday, October 15, Central Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) will honor St. Francis with the annual Blessing of the Animals.  

Each year people and their pets look forward to gathering on the church lawn for a special worship service. Crisp October weather and the sprawling Bois D’ Arc tree make a perfect setting for praising God and thanking Him for the love we share with our animals. 

Beautiful music, communion and a pet blessing will highlight the service, followed by grilled hot dogs, soft drinks and all of the trimmings.  

There will be a drawing for a door prize.  Pet massage therapist Jackie Pinson of Pawsitive Touch, will be on hand to demonstrate therapeutic massage.  Her Greyhound, Vinny, will entertain with baseball tricks.  After lunch you may want to sit in the shade while your dog plays off-leash at Central’s one-acre community dog park located just behind the church.  Whatever you do, the day will leave you feeling a great since of love and camaraderie with your dog and other dog lovers. 

In addition to this special day of blessings, Central offers worship services in the dog park on the first and third Sunday of the month.  Casual dress, donuts and coffee with your best friend is but another way Central welcomes you to worship your way. 

You do not have to be a member of the church to participate in the Blessing of the Animals.  All are welcome!  It’s all free!  Plan to come and stay for hot dogs and fun! Worship on the lawn begins at 11 a.m. 

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