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Archer, Huffman, Pogson, Patterson & Gibbons

Tuesday morning, Disciples Women of Central Christian Church enjoyed the last meeting of the year and a salad luncheon before summer break. 

A short business meeting preceded the installation of the 2016/17 officers. Ann Pogson will serve again as President.  Shelia Huffman will be Vice President/Program Chairman, Suzie Patterson will be Secretary.  Carol Archer will continue to serve as Treasurer and Mary Chris Gibbons will remain Parliamentarian. 

Besides good programs and good food, there is always some fun at the meetings.  Mary Chris Gibbons, a flea market treasure hunter, brought the group a beautiful “prayer cloth” for the offering table. Everyone agreed that all that was needed to complete the altar was a candle.  B. J. Austin just happened to have a brand new one in her purse. Doesn't everyone carry candle?

Last year’s attendance was fantastic and everyone present repeatedly enjoyed the program’s theme: “Women of Central, Meet Women of the Bible.” 

Disciples Women are looking forward to a new year of exciting programs. The 2016/17 Bible study will be “The Table and Beyond: Lavish Hospitality in the Bible.” Speakers will reflect on how the lives of today’s women are enriched by a generous attitude and hospitable spirit. 

Everyone is encouraged to keep the first Tuesday of each month available to attend the meetings. In addition to serving the community through charitable programs and outreach, Disciples Women is a treat for the women themselves.

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