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Members of Central Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) gathered in the church fellowship hall Thursday evening to share supper in commemoration of Maundy Thursday.

The meal included lamb stew, spinach salad, charoset, unleavened breads of matza and pita and apple raisin cakes. 

 As the meal progressed, devotions were led by Dr. Wyatt Fenno and finally the sacrament of Holy Communion.

 Each year Central observes Maundy Thursday by sharing a ceremonial last supper similar to that taken in the upper room the night before Jesus was crucified.

Good Friday worship will be a Tenebrae service in the sanctuary at 6:30 p.m. Easter Sunday celebration will begin with a light brunch in fellowship hall before the 11 a.m. morning worship.

Central is located at 4711 Westside Dr. between Mockingbird Lane and Lemmon Avenue. There is plenty of parking and plenty of seating available. All are welcome!

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