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Liz z Thurmond. resident of Juliette Fowler Commun Liz z Thurmond. resident of Juliette Fowler Communities

Central Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) is the oldest church in Dallas but it remains young at heart and continues to look for fresh, new ways to reach out to the community.


As senior members who were once active in the church get older, they often become less able to attend worship service and church functions due to health and mobility issues. Sometimes just giving up driving prevents seniors from social activites they once enjoyed. Last spring, a tea was held in their honor. Church Elders provided transportation to and from the church and sat with the senior during the event. The tea was such a hit that it was repeated this year.


Four Disciple Women, including Central’s senior co-pastor, decorated and hosted a table for tea. The beautifully decorated tables created a perfect setting for afternoon tea and showed off each woman’s personality and style.


Susie Patterson, along with her husband, Wendell, owns The Whimsey Shoppe on Henderson Avenue. The Whimsey Shoppe specializes in French antiques. Patterson’s table embodied the rural romanticism found throughout the French countryside.


Rosemary Davenport loves to shop estate sales and has a collection of crockery and cloth that would turn the editor of any home and garden magazine green with envy. Pulling from her collection and from her flair for decorating, Davenport brought the outdoors in with the look of a garden party using Francescian’s vintage “Ivy.”


Anne Pogson set a formal table of elegance and old lace combing Lenox china in “Adrienne” appointed with silver. The delicate beiges and greens were beautifully complemented by a centerpiece of pink azaleas.


Pastor Debbie Chisolm never misses an opportunity to honor her heritage. Her tea table was no exception. Festive red, yellow, blue and green Fiesta ware, and brightly colored napkins and flowers created a celebration of Mexico.


A combination of the eclectic table décor and open windows overlooking Central’s rose garden turned the church’s fellowship hall into a charming tea room for the afternoon.


A variety of traditional tea sandwiches such as cucumber and chicken salad, chilled cantaloupe soup, and scones with clotted cream and jam were among the menu items. Finishing out the spring theme were petit fours with fondant butterflies. Each guest took home a table favor — a handbag compact etched with butterflies.


For entertainment, Central choir member Eran McGowan performed two solos,

He was accompanied on piano by his son, Tinashe McGown.


“This is a first for Tinashe and me — to perform together, and we have practiced really hard.” McGowan said.


McGowan is a native of San Andres Island, Colombia. He will be traveling to Europe this summer to accompany the Brookhaven Choral Society as a soloist during the Celebration of American Choral Arts Series.


Eight-year-old Tinasha (his name means ‘God’s Blessing) is a gifted pianist. 


The two performed “Ballade,” “Simple Gift,” “Ghost Waltz” and “Amazing Grace.”


Central Christian Church is located at 4711 Westside Dr., just off Mockingbird Lane.  Sunday worship is at 11 a.m. and all are welcome.

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