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Edgemere Retirement Community and St. John Boutique collaborated to bring beautiful spring fashions to the senior set at a tea room-style fashion show and luncheon on April 17.


If you are not familiar with the term, “tea room fashion show” was a style of modeling clothing that was in vogue several decades ago. Models would wander from table to table in a restaurant or tea room, usually at a ladies luncheon, and model their outfit and accessories.


Unlike runway modeling, the casual approach allowed the women to view the attire up close, feel the fabric and interact with the model. 


Betty Estle, Joyce Landes, Kathryn Langford, Dee Tapler, La Vida Tabor, Jo Spalti, Jane Ramsland, Pat Londeree, Norma Berry and Betty Moberly — residents of Edgemere Retirement Community — were the lovely ladies who modeled beautiful fashions from St. John Boutique in Highland Park Village.


Proving again that happiness and aging go hand-in-hand, it was evident that the models and luncheon guests were having a great time.


I asked several of the ladies, “Just what is the best part of being a senior?”


“It opens up a whole new world,” Mimi Clark said.


The fashion show was certainly proof of that. Whether or not the ladies had ever modeled before, they all seemed to be enjoying their time in the limelight as guests “oohed and aahed” when they approached the table.


Showing off tunics, pants, dresses and jackets in beautiful fabrics and spring colors, both the clothes and the women were gorgeous.


Clark also said that being a senior allows time to do the things you always wanted to do. She especially enjoys short excursions and day trips with members from her church.


I posed the same question, “What’s the best part of being a senior?” to Susan Rogers.


Rogers, looking stunning in her own bright print dress and orange jacket, was also a guest at the luncheon.


“The kids are grown,” Rogers quickly answered. “You have more freedom.”  Then, she added the one thing I hear over and over again from seniors — something that I, too, have repeated over and over again — “grandkids.” Grandkids seem to play a special role in the lives of seniors.


All of the seniors seemed to be having such a wonderful time as residents and guests of Edgemere Retirement Community. It makes you wonder what unique qualities Edgemere has to offer.


The location is terrific, the campus is beautiful, and, as resident Dondra Drake said, the camaraderie among residents is special.


Anyone who has studied the art of graceful aging knows the importance of social interaction.


“Living at Edgemere is like living on a cruise ship,” Drake said. “There are always activities and the food is delicious.”


If the lunch of field greens, chilled gazpacho and berry compote was an indication, the food at Edgemere is absolutely delicious.


Edgemere Retirement Community is located at 8523 Thackery Street in Dallas. It offers resort-style living and an active and engaged lifestyle for seniors.


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