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Dr Larry Ross and Ken Crawford

Central Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) of Dallas celebrated the installation of Rev. Dr. Ken G. Crawford as Senior Pastor Sunday afternoon in the church sanctuary. 

A formal installation service is a special religious service that honors, inspires and informs the new pastor of his or her new duties and obligations.  It also reminds the church members to follow the new pastor’s leadership.  Although Dr. Crawford preached his first official sermon at Central on November 20, 2016, the formal installation on June 4, 2017 publicly recognized him as the new pastor of Central.

Rev. Dr. Larry Ross, Area Minister & President for North Texas Area Disciples of Christ, officiated at the prayer of installation.

The choir of St. Thomas the Apostle Episcopal Church joined Central’s Chancel Choir, performing two anthems during the service, “Cantique de Jean Racine” by Gabriel Faure and “The Old Hundredth Psalm Tune” arranged by R. Vaughan Williams. “The Old Hundredth Psalm Tune” was arranged for the Coronation of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II in Westminster Abbey, June 2, 1953.

“Come Dream With Us” was the message shared during the installation service.  Denominations across the country recognize the changes facing churches, today.  Central, like many other churches, has dreams for the future of the church and is moving toward those dreams, even though it may require changes in traditional worship styles.

Dr. Crawford has the spirit and energy to lead Central in making those dreams a reality.

Following the installation service church members and guests enjoyed a magnificent buffet prepared by Chef Scott Jones of Food Hugs Kitchen.

Visit Central’s website to learn more about “church in the dog park” and the summer drama camp.

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