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Everyone loves ice cream

It was 1984 when President Ronald Reagan proclaimed July as National Ice Cream Month and the third Sunday of the month as National Ice Cream Day.  

Central Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) tries hard not to miss an opportunity to celebrate food and fellowship! Following morning worship the congregation gathered in the church fellowship hall to “build your own Sundae.” 

Sweet treats like chocolate, hot fudge, caramel, pineapple, nuts and candies lined the ice cream buffet so people could make their own special concoction before topping it with the traditional whipped cream and maraschino cherry. 

Did you know that ice cream was introduced into the United States in the 1700’s as a delicacy for “high society”?  In 1776 the first ice cream parlor opened its doors in New York City.  The ice cream sundae was born in the 1880’s and reportedly, the waffle cone was introduced at the World’s Fair in St. Louis.   

These are facts that could be tested, but one thing is for sure; Americans love ice cream.

Happy National Ice Cream Month from Central Christian Church!

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