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Mollie was a natural loving to pose

Tuesday’s photo shoot at Central Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) was a howling success.  Fellowship Hall was turned into a photo studio and both dogs and people sat while photographer Kris Hundt captured their image and personality. 

We met Kris several months ago when she attended Central’s “Pop-In Tuesday” cooperative work environment headed up by Pastor Ken Crawford and Daryn DeZengotita and have used her skills with the camera on several occasions.   

Kris draws inspiration from connections forged during the actual shoot.  Her interaction with both people and their pets is a natural gift for bringing personalities to surface. 

Her images have been published in nationwide magazines and on the web.  She loves to travel and of course, her camera is one of her greatest traveling companions. Like many artists, Kris finds beauty everywhere. 

“The world is a beautiful place, you just have to be open to seeing it,” she said. 

Central Christian Church is often referred to as “the church with the dog park.”  Out back, just behind the church is a one-acre dog park with plenty of seating, natural shade from the huge life oaks, running water, a dog wash station and professionally manned waste containers.  Open from dawn to dusk, a statue of St. Francis of Assisi watches over it all. 

Church members and dog park regulars lined up in Fellowship Hall all day Tuesday to have professional portraits made. Coming along for the photo op were big dogs, little dogs and a variety of breeds making for a very amusing day.  Numerous poses were taken of each subject— dogs, kids and owners, (selection won’t be easy) to give everyone the opportunity to get the perfect shot that says it all.  

Back scene shots may be funny, but the finished product is a beautiful treasured photo that you will cherish forever. 

If you missed today’s photo shoot, watch for future opportunities on Central’s website and on BubbleLife Community Media.  

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