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Diciples Women's President Anne Pogson

One 20 is a movement to “do good.”  Started after the 2016 election, the movement encouraged individuals and groups to use January 20, 2017 (and beyond) as a day to do good. One20 is inspiration to start — or motivation to continue— to do good and celebrate the heart that can heal and unite the divisions in our communities and country. 

This year on Inauguration Day One 20 collected donations of hats, gloves, scarves, mini-size Kleenex tissues, socks and hand warmers to be given to City SquareDallas for the homeless and impoverished.  

City Square is an organization dedicated to fighting the causes and effects of poverty through service, advocacy, and friendship. Together as a community of neighbors, they feed the hungry, heal the sick, house the homeless, and renew hope in the heart of our city.  

Programs like job training, legal assistance and services for youths who have aged out of foster care help achieve those goals.  

Central Christian Church was a designated drop-off point for the donations.  A huge box to receive the donations was placed at the door in the Hall of Missions of the church to make it easy for folks to drop off a donation to or from errands or jobs.  

Neighbors from ParkCities, Lakewood, Connecting Point of Park Cities, Central’s CommunityDogPark as well as members of the church came by with donated items.  Disciples Women were on hand to greet and offer a cup of coffee to those who stopped by the church with offerings.   

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