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Rose Mary Rumbley Holds Copy Of Book

The Book Trotters, a Lakewood book club, visited the Wild Wild West this month with club member  Rose Mary Rumbley’s  book selection,  “Lady at the O.K. Corral: The True Story of Josephine Marcus Earp” by Ann Kirschner. 

Josephine was a young Jewish girl who ran away from home to fulfill her dream of becoming a stage actress but ended up being the common law wife of Marshal Wyatt Earp for nearly 50 years. 

Some things you just can’t make up. 

And like they say, “Behind every great man is a great woman,” 

Josephine was the woman behind Wyatt Earp.  Although she was considered a head-turning beauty with an hour- glass figure, and through her feisty personality she deemed herself Earp’s equal, she did polish his image and helped make him one of the most famous gunmen of all time. 

The Book Trotters enjoyed the read and the discussion at their monthly meting place, Times Ten Cellar in Lakewood. 

Over a glass of wine, the Book Trotters  honored the gun-fighting era with what they considered American Southwest themed food—barbecued brisket, fried okra, potato salad and Texas sheet cake. 

See you next month on the East Coast in the 1950’s.

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