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Representatives of Daughters of Abraham

Members of Central Christian Church met Saturday with members of other area Disciples of Christ congregations at Juliette Fowler Communities for the annual General Gathering of North Texas Disciple Women.


Following registration and coffee fellowship Sabrina Porter, President of Juliette Fowler Communities and Cindy Wabner, Director of Development at Fowler greeted guests.


After a short business meeting of Disciple Women’s Ministries the local chapter of Daughters of Abraham presented the program.


Founded in 2002, Daughters of Abraham was organized to breakdown the ignorance that propagates prejudice and intolerance within our world.

Following the events of Sept. 11, 2001,  Daughter’s of Abraham founder Janice Lord asked the question: “Is it possible to bring together a group of Jewish, Christian, and Muslim women and see them progress from strangers into a close-knit sisterhood of tolerance, genuine respect, and love?”  And “If this could be accomplished, might it provide hope for world peace?”

Ask members of Daughter’s of Abraham that question today and you will likely hear about the impact the organization had had on their lives and their faith.

Dawn Anderson of Highland Park United Methodist Church, Zena Darwazeh of Mosque Islamic and Jazzmyn Blu Wilson of Temple EmanuEl  shared stories about their favorite meetings and topics as well as issues they are looking forward to visiting during future Daughter’s of Abraham meetings.


Darwazeh said she is frequently asked why she wears a headscarf as a cultural practice.  One of the upcoming meetings will discuss modesty and female beauty. 


Although the group does not discuss politics; sharing traditions, holidays and celebrations bring a greater understanding to these women of different faiths—Christians, Jews and Muslims.


They all pointed out their surprise in learning that beyond the differences, there is so much likeness in their traditions and the way they deal with life on a daily basis.


“’Oh, yes we do that, too,’ has become a common phrase among our group,” Anderson said.


If you want more information on Daughters of Abraham visit their website at


Central Christian church is located at 4711 Westside Dr. in Dallas.  Sunday worship is at 11 a.m. and all are welcome.

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