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Ann McCann, Jane Lampton and Marilyn Hansen

The Book Trotters met at Times Ten Cellar Monday evening September 12, a week later than usual to accommodate the Labor Day holiday. 

Occasionally the group breaks with tradition and rather than reading a specific book this month the group was asked to select a book that they had previously read that had a significant impact on their life or was even responsible for a life changing attitude. 

Marilyn Hansen, Julie Do, Jane Lampton and Cathleen Payne chose books that they had read in childhood or as young adults such as “Anne of Green Gables,”  “The Hobbit,” “Mrs. Mike” and “My Antonia” because the story and characters took them to a new place, one they had not been to before, making them realize the power of books.  They also mentioned the influence of strong women, the beauty of our land and the world of imagination. 

“I have read several significant books in my life, but I want to go with ‘Lonesome Dove’ by Larry McMurtry as my most significant,” Pam Thomas said. “I spent many enjoyable hours reading, re-reading and reading again the western that became a T.V mini-series. It hit home with me because I had lived west of the Mississippi for only three years when I first read the book and it gave me a sense of the history of the area that still reverberates in my soul. There's not a month that goes by that something I see or do doesn’t bring to my mind the lessons learned from ‘Lonesome Dove.’” 

There are many quotes of wisdom in “Lonesome Dove.”  Pam chose a quote by the character Gus Mccrae as one of her favorites: “The older the violin, the sweeter the music.” 

Many of us may want to remember that quote and have it ready for a Texas “shoot-back” from time to time. 

Ann McCann chose Daniel Silva’s “Black Widow.”  “I think he is really a good writer and a great writer of mysteries,” Ann Said. 

The book is a thriller of international intrigue and a timely read with recent world events. 

Kathy Harris chose “What is the What,” an autobiography of Valentine Achak Deng.  The story mixes fictional and non-fictional elements about the long journey from Southern Sudan to Atlanta, Georgia. 

“It is a page turner.” Kathy said.  “It is also a powerful story, and one that made an impression on me.  Author Dave Eggers brought Valentine’s story to life in a very believable way.” 

I selected “A Place at the Table,’ by Susan Rebecca White, a novel read by the Book Trotters a few years ago.  I loved the story about a young gay man from the south moving to New York City and finding his place among new friends in Manhattan.  I also loved the emphasis on food. Much of the story took place in a Manhattan restaurant where interesting people gathered at the table. 

But sadly, when most needed, Bobby was denied a place at the greatest table of all, the communion table, because he was not a member of the church. I believe that chapter opened my eyes to the practice of open communion, making the book a life-changing experience for me. 

It was an interesting and enjoyable evening.  The group discussed plans for the forth-coming holidays such as book donations and charities they might support. The Book Trotters are looking forward to Alice Hoffman’s “A Marriage of Opposites” as their October book selection.

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