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Joanna Clarke, vice president of development, Community Partners of Dallas, and Scott Orr, Vice President, Regional Public Affairs and Policy Group, Fidelity

Community of Partners of Dallas (CPD) recognized Fidelity for their 20-year partnership collecting coats for abused and neglected kids in Dallas County. 


Fidelity’s “Coats for Kids” drive was started in 1997 as a small grass roots effort with a collection of 100 coats.  Since then each year has seen an increase in the coats collected – with 2500 collected annually since 2013.  This year, CPD distributed more than 3200 coats, with the largest percentage coming from Fidelity. 


“Fidelity is thrilled to partner with Community Partners of Dallas to provide coats for the children in the child protective services system in Dallas County.  For more than 20 years, this has been one of the highlights of our fall season— getting our 6,000 employees engaged to collect thousands of coats for a project that serves the children that most need our help.  It is a rallying cause for our associates and warms our hearts that we can help make their lives better in this small way.  CPD does amazing work for the kids and we are so proud to be one of their strong partners.”


Added Paige McDaniel, president and CEO of CPD, “We are so fortunate to have many long-standing partnerships for our annual drives.  What makes Fidelity’s support unique is that it is truly an employee-driven project.  What started with one individual rallying her co-workers, now extends to thousands who truly care about the kids we serve.  Thank you Fidelity for your dedication and commitment to ensuring abused and neglected kids in Dallas have warm coats each winter!”


About Community Partners of Dallas:   

Since 1989, Community Partners of Dallas has ensured safety and restored dignity and hope to abused and neglected children by providing crucial resources and support to the caseworkers of Dallas County Child Protective Services.  Community Partners of Dallas provides items such as winter coats, diapers and formula, holiday gifts, school uniforms, personal hygiene products, food and more, to send the abused children in our community the message that someone does care.  Please visit for more information.

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