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Wilkinson Center Turkey Basket Distribution


Wilkinson Center hosted another successful Turkey Basket Distribution - just in time for Thanksgiving.

Supporters from nine partner organizations donated 536 beautiful turkey baskets, which were distributed by 28 volunteers over three days of distribution. Each basket contained all of the fixings for a complete Thanksgiving dinner, including either a frozen turkey or a Butterball voucher redeemable for a turkey, ham, or vegetarian entrée.

We are so thankful to everyone who supported this amazing annual event!

About Wilkinson Center: 

Wilkinson Center is just that – a center. A starting point for pathways that lead to better things. Since 1982, we’ve helped transform the lives of Dallas families in crisis by setting them on their paths. Whether it’s a path that leads to employment. Or a path that puts food on the table every day. We’re here to give them the brightest green light they’ve ever seen, signaling the beginning of their journey to self-sufficiency.


Our formula for success is case management, a compassionate staff, dedicated volunteers and effective, individualized programming that provides food, adult education and jobs. We believe that everyone deserves a little hope and encouragement, especially in times of adversity. And we can all get from where we are to where we want to be much sooner if we move Forward, Together.


For more information, visit




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