Brad Sollenne
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Preston Hollow Professional Lawn Care Service

Spring has sprung, and it's the perfect time to get your lawn looking its best! As a lawn care service provider in Dallas, we know that the fluctuating temperatures can have an impact on your garden's produce and blooms. That's why it's important to stay aware and take action to ensure that your lawn looks its best. 

Any professional Dallas lawn mowing service will tell you that if you're planning to plant warm-season crops, you may want to hold off until the weather gets a bit warmer. Cool temperatures can also hinder seed germination, which may require you to reseed if the stands are poor. Additionally, some areas may have experienced delayed and protracted bloom on perennial fruit crops due to a lack of chilling temperatures this past winter. 

To keep your garden healthy, it's essential to engage a Dallas lawn care service to professionally prune spring-flowering shrubs after they've finished blooming, so they can maintain their natural shape. Fertilizing your azaleas, roses, trees, and shrubs is also crucial. However, make sure not to over-fertilize as it can cause damage to the roots of your plants. 

Whether we are performing Lakewood lawn care service or Lake Highlands Lawn maintenance service, we advise those looking to grow roses, that they have high fertilizer requirements, and it's essential to use a complete fertilizer for the first application. For organic sources, you can use cottonseed, rotted manures or alfalfa meal. You should also continue to spray rose varieties susceptible to black spot every seven to 10 days, using a spray recommended for fungus control. 

Professional Lake Highlands Lawn Care Service

To add some color to your garden, you can plant warm-season annuals like Amaranthus, celosia, cosmos, marigold, portulaca, and zinnia. It's crucial to keep seeded areas moist until the seeds germinate and thin out as soon as they are large enough to engage a professional Dallas lawn care service to transplant. 

Our clients concerned about pests like bagworms, often request our regular Dallas lawn maintenance services for solutions like applying control measures like Sevin dust or spray or Spinosad while the insects and bags are about a half-inch long. Dallas lawn mowing and  weeding service for your garden early is also essential, for your lawn and garden,  as it can delay flowering when there's competition with small plants. 

At our professional  lawn care service in Dallas, we understand the importance of keeping your lawn looking its best. We recommend that you care for established annuals by removing spent flowers, trimming back excessive growth, and applying fertilizer to extend the life of the planting. Finally, we want you to enjoy the wildflowers and care for your houseplants during spring!

 Learn more about Premier Dallas Landscaping

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