Brad Sollenne
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When it comes to lawn care, there's no one-size-fits-all solution. Each season brings its own unique challenges and opportunities to keep your lawn looking its best. As a specialized Dallas lawn care and maintenance service,  Premier Dallas Landscaping follows this guide and will help you create a year-round plan that ensures your lawn stays healthy and green, no matter the weather.

Spring Lawn Care

Months Included: March, April, May

Spring is the season of renewal, and your lawn is no exception. As the thermometer slowly creeps up and up, it's time to start prepping your yard for the growing season. Dallas residents are picking up their phones searching for a professional lawn care service near me to keep their Dallas lawns healthy in the spring:

Professional lawn clean-up: a good cleaning from a professional East Dallas lawn care service like Premier Dallas landscaping will remove any debris that may have accumulated over the winter months. This will give your lawn the breathing room it needs to grow properly. 

Professionally test your soil: A healthy lawn starts with healthy soil. We recommend that that all of our clients from our Lakewood lawn maintenance service clients to our Oak Lawn Lawn mowing and edging service clients to test their soil to determine if it needs any amendments or fertilization to get your grass off to a good start. 

Professionally mowing and aeration: Give your Dallas  lawn a fresh start by scheduling a professional Dallas lawn mowing and aeration service appointment to create the proper condition for effective  aerating of the soil. This will help oxygen and nutrients get to the roots of your grass. 

Professionally fertilize your lawn: Spring is the perfect time to fertilize your lawn. A professional lawn maintenance service by premier e Landscaping will choose a slow-release fertilizer that will help your grass grow strong and healthy.

Summer Lawn Care

Months Included: June, July, August

Summer can be tough on your lawn, but with a local professional East Dallas lawn care and maintenance service, like Premier Dallas landscaping, you can keep your grass looking its best all season long.

Professional specialized lawn watering schedule: whether you're a Preston Hollow lawn maintenance service client or a Lake Highlands lawn care and maintenance client, a professional East Dallas lawn care service can help you with strategies to make sure your lawn is getting enough water during the hot summer months. For healthy lawns without any major issues water your lawn deeply once a week, rather than frequent shallow watering. 

Oak Lawn - Lawn Mowing & Edging ServiceProfessional mowing, edging and weeding service: we suggest searching for a regularly scheduled lawn maintenance service near me to keep  grass mowed and remove any weeds that may be popping up in your lawn. A professional lawn mowing and edging service knows to mow your grass high, as longer grass is better able to withstand the summer heat.

Professionally treat for pests: Keep an eye out for pests like grubs, chinch bugs, and sod webworms, which can cause damage to your lawn. Any expert Dallas lawn care service will employ appropriate treatments to keep these pests at bay. 

Fall Lawn Care

Months Included: September, October, November

Fall is the time to prepare your Dallas lawn for the long winter ahead. With a little TLC, your lawn can come back strong and healthy next spring.

Professional aeration service: As the ground begins to cool, it's a great time to hire a professional Dallas lawn maintenance service to aerate your lawn. This will help oxygen and nutrients get to the roots of your grass.

Professional fertilization service: a specialized Dallas lawn care and landscaping service will employ the appropriate strategies for the optimum benefits of adding a fall fertilizer to your lawn to help it store up nutrients for the winter months.

Professional raking in debris removal: as needed it's appropriate to have your Dallas Lawn Care service keep your lawn clear of leaves and other debris that may fall from trees during the fall season. This will help prevent disease and damage to your grass.

Winter Lawn Care

Months Included: December, January, February

Winter can be a tough season for your Dallas lawn, but with a little care, you can help your grass make it through the cold months.

Winterizing lawn mowing and edging service: Before the mercury falls, it's a good idea to call a specialized Dallas lawn mowing and edging service for one last mow to help prevent mold from forming and steel your lawn for winter dormancy.

Stay off the lawn!: Avoid walking on your lawn during the winter months, as this can cause damage to your grass.

For the best results professionally maintaining  a healthy lawn is a year-round job, but with a little planning and care, your local East Dallas lawn care service can keep your grass looking its best no matter the season. Premier Dallas landscaping strongly suggest you follow these guidelines to keep your lawn healthy, green, and lush, all year long. And remember, if you have any questions or concerns about your Dallas lawn just search for a "Dallas lawn care and landscaping service near me",  like Premier Dallas landscaping to get a free consultation today.

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