The Woodrow Wilson volleyball team was stopped cold in its pursuit of a state championship by Carrollton Creekview on Friday, November 4 in area playoffs. The...
By MATT COBB / BubbleLife Media A shopping center in Highland Park will be hosting a silent auction for gingerbread houses later this month, and all of the...
Woodrow Wilson took down Bryan Adams, 29-15, on Thursday night and the victory was never really in doubt, just like so many of the Wildcats' other games....
The 35 th Annual Lakewood Home Festival will be November 11-13, 2011. Hosted by the Lakewood Early Childhood PTA (LECPTA), the Lakewood Home Festival is a...
The Woodrow Wilson football team has been hogging all the attention this fall but the Wildcats volleyball team has just swept through the first round of the...
People listening to the radio and watching and TV will interrupted on Wednesday, November 9 at 1:00 p.m. when the first ever nationwide test of the Emergency...
Regardless of what happens on Thursday night against Bryan Adams on Friday at Pleasant Grove Stadium, the Woodrow Wilson Wildcats (8-1, 5-0) are already the...
The Dallas Arboretum is planning on adding on new botanical gardens to its already impressive selection, as well as new parking areas for the expected influx of...
Halloween has passed, but you get one more chance to dress up this year. Paws In The City is hosting its 3 rd Annual Hairballs & Hair Bands event this...
There is a possibility that homes in Lakewood are being targeted by robbers aided by garden gnomes and other lawn ornaments. According to an NBC DFW report ,...