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The Thanks-Giving Foundation has extended the deadline for entries for the 9th annual Expressions Art and Essay Competition, themed I am grateful for the values of sports, to Friday, January 10, 2014. The Expressions Competition highlights education and the arts by inviting teachers and students from kindergarten through 12th grade to participate. It is a terrific teaching opportunity about thanksgiving and gratitude that is designed to inspire students to think creatively and express cultural and personal perspectives on gratitude through essays and art. The 2013 theme, I am grateful for the values of sports, encourages students to express the benefits of sports, such as teamwork, exercise, leadership, friendship, sportsmanship and cooperation.

Each teacher can submit his or her six best entries in each grade group. Judges from major museums, the public library, publications and educational institutions, as well as individual artists, will select the winners. The winners will be chosen by how poignantly students in six grade levels express gratitude for values of sports. To encourage creativity, first place winners will receive $100 and their teachers will receive $200 to buy classroom supplies, while second place winners will receive $50, and their teachers will be given $100 for class supplies. Third place winners will receive $25 and their teachers will receive $50 for class supplies. Prizes will be awarded in six grade groups in both arts and essays, K-1, 2-3, 4-5, 6-8, 9-10, 11-12.

Entries will be accepted now through January 10, 2014. Changes in the dates were made this year to give teachers more time from the start of the school year to participate and to have discussions with students coincide with the holidays. Email entries are preferred, and contest rules, entry forms and details are available on the Expressions page

The Expressions Competition began in 2005 when The Thanks-Giving Foundation decided to encourage North Texas students to express what they think about Thanksgiving through the visual arts, dance and written word. Since its inception, the competition has attracted several thousand entries from throughout Texas, eight other states and four foreign countries. This contest is open to teachers and students worldwide.

Honorees will receive awards during a ceremony in Dallas on February 28, 2014 at 1 p.m. at the AT&T Performing Arts Center in the west lobby of the Winspear Opera House. Winning entries will be exhibited at Thanks-Giving Square in the spring and during the winter holiday season and also travel to other venues.

About The Thanks-Giving Foundation:

The Thanks-Giving Foundation promotes the spirit and unifying value of giving thanks in our community, nation, and the world. The Foundation provides information and resources so that citizens from diverse backgrounds can use thanksgiving as a way to heal divisions and enhance mutual understanding. For more information, please visit

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