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Dallas United Crew will hold tryouts for new rowers on January 5th, from 4:30-6:30 pm at CrossFit Lake Highlands.  Accepted athletes will join our competitive rowing team for the Spring 2015 season.  Anyone in grades 9-11 is invited, and no experience is necessary.  DUC will hold Spring Tryouts for rising 9th-12th graders for Fall 2015 later this spring.
Dallas United Crew’s competitive travel program offers high school athletes an excellent opportunity to train and race both in our region and nationally. As the largest junior rowing program in Texas, historically pulling from up to ten area high schools, we have been able to design a custom experience that caters to the specific needs of teenage athletes—including boat purchases, coaches, and scheduling. That unique experience encourages excellence at every level. Our program rewards teamwork rather than individualism and seeks to develop a lifetime love of the sport to allow athletes success in college and beyond. We expect a commitment of attendance, effort and dedication from our athletes and in turn promise them an excellent high school rowing experience. 
About Dallas United Crew
Dallas United Crew offers a variety of rowing and dragon boating programs for adults and youth age 11+ on White Rock Lake. DUC is a registered 501c(3) nonprofit organization and donations are tax-deductible. For complete information, learn more at