The Episcopal School of Dallas
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The Episcopal School of Dallas is proud to announce that Arya '26 was selected as the National Youth Story Teller representing the State of Texas for the Timpanooga Story Telling Festival! This festival is the largest storytelling festival in the western United States and brings together select storytellers from across the nation. 

Arya has been storytelling participating in storytelling festivals throughout Texas for the past few years. She is passionate about public speaking and enjoys coaching young kids the basics of the art; she often shares her talents with the ESD community during daily worship. 

Timpanooga is also one of the few storytelling festivals that selects youth storytellers, making this accomplishment even more special. Although typically held in Lehi, UT, the festival was held online earlier this month - learn more on the Timpanooga Story Telling Festival website

Way to go, Eagle - ESD is so proud of you!