Karla Wigley – Guest Contributor
Dec 19 2012
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Students at St. John’s Episcopal School are busy with pre-holiday community service projects. It is a long-standing tradition at St. John’s to support local agencies during the weeks leading up to Christmas break.

Children in all grades have opportunities to share their blessings by serving others. They are collecting teddy bears for Dallas Police Department, books and warm winter clothing for students at Mi Escuelita, and canned foods and toys for White Rock Center of Hope. They have “adopted” families in need, sang to elderly residents at Juliette Fowler Homes, created Christmas cards for sick children at Medical City Children's Hospital and assembled disaster kits for American Red Cross.

St. John’s Chaplain Michael Mills, who coordinates the school’s holiday projects, says the efforts expose students to the needs in the community, enforce a sense of responsibility and broaden their outlook. He adds, “a life of service flows directly from our faith in God, who cares deeply about all people.”

Community service projects take place throughout the school year at St. John’s, but are concentrated during December.