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Last Days of Dogtown Deborah Loving

The Book Trotter’s Book Club held its third meeting on October 1st, at the home of Shelia Huffman in Vickery Place.  The club was formed this past summer with ladies from Lakewood, Belmont Addition and Vickery Place.  

The book read and discussed for October was “The Last Days Of Dogtown” by Anita Diamant.  

Diamant was inspired to write the novel by a travel brochure that she picked up about a ghost town in Massachusetts. The area known as Dogtown Commons was once home to settlers who colonized Cape Ann.   For the most part, life was cruel in Dogtown. From Boston to Gloucester, whispers of witchcraft, poverty and idiocy surfaced whenever the little village was mentioned.  Of course, none of the rumors were necessarily factual but legend often becomes reality when tongues wag about townspeople. Additionally, roaming packs of wild dogs had made the village their home.  

Racism, morals, forbidden loves and a quest for a better life were some topics of discussion generated by this novel set in 1800’s Massachusetts.  

Flavors of New England like clams, lobster, cranberry bread, corned beef, cabbage and a Boston Cream pie were enjoyed while the book was discussed.  

This was a perfect book for an October read. Where will the Book Trotters venture next?