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Audelia Road Library Friends will host Linda Stogner, filmmaker, stand-up comedienne and comedy advocate at the Audelia Road Library auditorium on November 8th at 6:30.

One of the founders of the Backdoor Comedy Club, Ms. Stogner’s offbeat look at life has been the foundation for her comedy career spanning more than seventeen years. Her early childhood involved armed robbery and gangsters on the south side of Chicago.  Rather than hide her background, she turned it into a tribute to her devoted parents by creating a short autobiographical film – Adopted: A Love Story.

 As a writer, producer  and film editor she has earned four Lone Star Emmy awards for her short documentaries, “The Chip That Jack Built,” “High Hopes” and “ “Mighty Mites” all broadcast on KERA/Channel 13. Ms. Stogner received three Gracie Awards for “Nowhere but Texas 2,” – a fascinating tale of several forgotten people and places that make up our state and “A Special Place: Gilda’s Club” with voice over by Meryl Streep. 

Press release courtesy of the Audelia Road Library Friends.