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Think you've got a winning chili recipe? Then enter your culinary concoction in Lakehill Preparatory School's 2nd Annual Dad's Club Chili Cook-Off.

Held on Friday, October 26th at the Warrior Athletic Complex, the cook-off is part of the school's community night. Those who would like to participate in the cook-off must submit entry forms by October 24 at 4 p.m.

Contestants must bring a minimum of two quarts of pre-cooked chili to the event on the 26th. All chili will be judged on taste, visual appeal, aroma and texture. Two prizes will be awarded: A "Grand Champion Award" for the best overall chili and a "People's Choice Award" for the contestant who receives the most votes during the chili tasting period. There is a 10 dollar entry fee. For more entry rules, click here.

For those that aren't skilled in the can still participate in the fun! For five dollars you can sample every entry and be eligible to cast your vote for the "People's Choice Award" in the contest.

Gates open at 6 p.m. and the cook-off and live music will begin at 6:30 p.m.