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Middle school students at St. John’s Episcopal School spent their last day before the holiday break serving the community. The school’s Student Council members staffed stations at which rotating teams of fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth graders and their teachers completed projects. From baking dog biscuits and making treats for lower school students to creating manna bags, sewing and stuffing stockings, and delivering holiday cheer to neighbors, students learned new skills and gave to others. Through their efforts, they created:

  • Manna bags for clients served by the Stewpot
  • Handmade and stuffed stockings for children served by Family Gateway
  • Homemade dog biscuits for foster dogs in the care of Tzu Zoo Rescue
  • Take-home treats for St. John’s lower school students
  • Holiday door hangers for the school’s Old East Dallas neighbors

To end the day, seventh graders led a Lessons and Carols chapel service. This was St. John’s second year to channel middle students’ energy into service projects on the last day before Christmas break. 

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