Lakewood BubbleLife -
Raise Money for "Friends of Lakewood" by Dining at Burger House on Tuesday

There's nothing quite like a juicy Burger House hamburger. Slathered in mustard and decked out with all the toppings, it's sure to delight all your taste buds. And those fries with the special seasoning? To die for.

Get your Burger House fix this Tuesday, October 16 during "Lakewood Night" and help raise money for "Friends of Lakewood" at the same time. The Burger House on Mockingbird will donate a percentage of the evening's sales to FOL, a group of fathers dedicated to enhancing the educational experience of the students at Lakewood Elementary School. There will also be a tip jar to collect additional donations.

So dine smart this Tuesday and make your money count for your community!

For more information on Friends of Lakewood, click here.

Monday, 15 October 2012