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Anne Pogson and Rosemary Davenport served at El Centro

Members of Central Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) formed a “gad-a-bout” group a few years back to explore the best local deals and short day excursions around Dallas.

Thursday, the group had lunch at El Centro College.  El Centro’s Food and Hospitality Institute offers a terrific dining experience for Thursday lunch and Tuesday dinner prepared by the students in the Culinary Arts Program.

The current theme is International Cuisine (which fit right in with Central’s “Getting to Know You” cooking classes) and this month’s menu featured selections from the Middle East.  Choices were Yeminite Soup, Kofta Lamb, Kuwaiti Chicken and Mahalabia or Cheese Kunafa for dessert.

Chef Brandon Perry and Pastry Chef Narumi Garcia oversaw preparation of the meal. Villeta Garcia was Maiatre’D.

The food and service were excellent and the culinary students did a stellar job in creating a fine dining experience.  And all for $12.00!

El Centro is located at 801 Main Street in downtown Dallas in the former Sanger Harris Department Store building, a Dallas landmark on the National Registry of Historic Places. Many of the degree plans offered at El Centro specialize in the medical and technological fields including nursing, culinary arts, fashion design and marketing.

Central Christian Church is located five miles north of downtown Dallas between Lemmon and Mockingbird Lane.

Central is also known as the church with the dog park and Sunday morning services are offered in the dog park on the first and third Sundays of the month. Morning worship is in the sanctuary at 11 a.m.  All are welcome! 

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