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Twenty-eight students—more than half of the eighth grade students at St. John’s Episcopal School—were involved in the school’s production of "Alice in Wonderland." Four performances took place February 21, 22 and 23 in the school’s Stephanie Judd Clements Performance Hall.

Led by integrated drama specialist Tom Parr and music teacher Jean Haynes, students performed to enthusiastic, sold-out crowds. Young audience members were so smitten with the performances that they requested autographs and pictures with favorite characters after the final curtain.

Other production leadership was provided by kindergarten teacher Sarah Barr (choreography), Kristin Parr (costumes) and Kathy Winn (set design). Most of the cast members served double duty, also managing the stage, props, costumes, dance, music and technical design.

Cast members were: Ali Simenc, SK Hatcher, Lily Dales, Julia Fleckenstein, Carlos Joglar, Sarah Miller, Alex Poscente, Drew Billings, Miles Okamoto, Bella Weis, Helena Hind, Chambliss Pierson, Eva Kadane, Sophia Hartin, Parker Allen, William Name, Cameron Potter, Katie Abughazaleh, Morgan Henley, Cecilia Manganello, Anne Houk, Melanie McVicker, Taylor Berry, Tate Leonard, Grace Conley, Ainsley Slusher, Sean Kraus and Dylan Welch.

Guest cast members were: Emma Slusher, Elora McLeod and Allie Redington.

Student production staff members were: Cecilia Manganello, Lake Domstead, Cameron Potter, Katie Abughazaleh, Julia Fleckenstein, Helena Hind and Morgan Henley.

Student designers were: Lake Domstead, Catherine Birdwell, Carlos Joglar and Matthew Bradley.

Program designed by: Sarah Miller, Alex Poscente and Carlos Joglar.

Parr said he was proud of the performance and the students’ efforts. “Each role was filled with passion and dedication. The eighth grade really came together for "Alice in Wonderland,"" he said.

Parr and Haynes begin collaborating anew this week in preparation for the seventh grade’s production of The Phantom Tollbooth.

In addition to his days spent teaching at St. John’s, Parr runs a Fair Park-based acting company called Nouveau 47 Theatre, which has a primary focus of nurturing artists and welcoming new works. He has received local and national recognition as a director for his commitment to developing innovative works.