Shelia Huffman – Guest Contributor
Sep 9 2013
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and the winners of the CCC 2013 ice cream "churn-off" are...

Central Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) may be the oldest church in Dallas, but it confirmed again this Sunday that it is one of the youngest when it comes to ideas. Sunday, Sept. 8, was “Back to School Sunday” followed by the second annual “Ice Cream Churn-Off.” 

Students were encouraged to bring their backpacks to church and teachers their grading pens and grade books to receive a blessing and get the new school year off to a great start and the students and teachers off to a "good job."

Among those offering their backpacks for a blessing were Steve Gebremelecot, a tenth grader at W. T. White High School and Flip Tariku, a sixth grader at T. C. Marsh Middle School. Giebremeleroi said his favorite subject at school is geometry, while Tariku’s is science. These young men, already a blessing to Central member Kaki Bounous, are wished a happy, successful and blessed year at school by Central Christian Church, as are all students who are beginning the new school year.

After worship, members gathered in the “Fellowship Hall” to taste, judge and enjoy homemade ice cream.  Taking home the “blue” for the second year in a row was Pastor Debbie Chisolm, with a decadent “rocky road” concoction. First runner-up was Michael Raines and his refreshing “cantaloupe cream.”

Central Christian Church is celebrating its 150th anniversary this year as the oldest, continuously operating church in Dallas. Located at 4711 Westside Drive, just off Mockingbird Lane, the church sits on six acres, is home to a soccer field, the Acers Community Garden and a dog park.

The dog park, voted “Best in Dallas” by the Dallas Observer, is a community park, and like the church, it is open to all. Celebrating St. Francis of Assisi, the annual Blessing of the Animals will be held in the park on Saturday morning, Oct. 5 at 11 a.m. 

All are welcome at the Blessing of the Animals and at Sunday worship service.