
For many people stepping into a Starbucks is a daily ritual; Starbucks can be a home away from home. While visiting her local Starbucks, local Lakewood artist Shannon Kincaid was inspired by the Starbucks culture and the idea of the "third place," meaning the first place is home, second place is work and the third place is Starbucks. This set in motion a creative spark she named “Project Starbucks.”

Kincaid began making sketches of people she routinely saw at “her” Starbucks. She then went home to paint the atmosphere and people she found so fascinating. The general manager (Andy, below) of the Mockingbird Lane Starbucks noticed Kincaid and asked about her project. He was interested in her work and wanted her to display her paintings in the Starbucks.

As of October 18, seven of Kincaid’s Project Starbucks paintings are now displayed in her local Starbucks. These paintings add a personal touch to the Starbucks environment and intrigue all those who step inside the coffee shop.

Lakewood residents and visitors can see her paintings at the Starbucks located at 6333 East Mockingbird in Dallas, Texas.

To learn more, visit Shannon’s website at or her Facebook page at