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The Book Trotters and guest Neva Harris, front right

The Book Trotters celebrated their one year anniversary as an organized Lakewood and M-Streets book club Monday evening, August 5 at Times Ten Cellars. 

“Zelda: A Biography” by Nancy Milford took the life of Zelda Sayre Fitzgerald from her birth and southern upbringing in Alabama to her tragic death by fire in a mental institution, exploring her tormented personality and the complicated love affair with F. Scott Fitzgerald.

The book was selected due to the current interest in Fitzgerald with the summer blockbuster release of "The Great Gatsby." However, professional reviewer, Rose Mary Rumbley, had reviewed the book when it was newly published 46 years ago. 

Rumbley brought her first-edition copy to the meeting to share with the group, many of whom are now reading their monthly book club selections from their e-readers.

She also brought barbecue from the original Dickey's Restaurant located in our Vickery Place neighborhood.  Pam Thomas treated everyone to eclairs for dessert. Additionally, she honored the one year anniversary with a commemorative recount of the books and meetings over the last year.