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Vickery Place kids climbing Bois d'Arc 5 kids jpg.

Vickery Place kids, Isabel, Katherine and Trinity Adams, Isabella and Banyon Gream, and Jack and Harrison Freedman met early Wednesday morning, July 30, at Tietze park before heading off for their summer camps and activities. 

The children met in the park to help Ken Lampton, real estate agent specializing in the M-Streets and Lakewood, along with Dallas Media Center, produce a video featuring one of the park’s Bois d’Arc trees. 

The Sprawling Bois d’Arcs are a signpost and marker of Tietze Park and an obvious attraction to kids with their “on-the-ground” limbs pleading to be climbed.

The Bois d’Arc tree is native to East and Central Texas and grows to its largest size in the valley of the Red River on clay soils. It produces a round, wrinkled fruit often called an Osage orange or a horse apple. The French name, Bois d’Arc, means bow wood, and the strong, rot resistant wood was often used by Indians to make bows, by ranchers for fences, and in our neighborhood, posts for the foundation for our homes.

The videos, “Life in the M-Streets” comprise a series of short video clips depicting why the East Dallas community is such a great place to hang your hat, raise your kids, walk your dog—work, live and play.   

You can view the videos at Ken Lampton’s You Tube Channel or his website.