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Paige McDaniel, president and CEO, Community Partners of Dallas

Community Partners of Dallas, a non-profit organization serving abused and neglected children in Dallas County, has announced the retirement of its president and CEO Paige McDaniel, effective May 31, 2023. 


“Paige has lead Community Partners of Dallas with organizational efficiency and tremendous joy for almost 21 years and her gifts are responsible for the dramatic success of the agency.  During her tenure the number of children served has increased 400% and the agency’s budget and staff have grown substantially,” remarked Travis Dent, chair of the Community Partners of Dallas board of trustees.  “The board and I are extremely grateful to Paige for her long-time leadership and we know that hundreds of thousands of abused and neglected children of Dallas County are safer due to her work.”


In 2002, McDaniel was hired as the CEO of CPD, where she worked single-handedly in partnership with Dallas County Child Protective Services (CPS) to ensure the safety and restored dignity and hope to abused and neglected children by providing resources and support. At that time she was the only employee of the agency. Today, the organization has grown to a staff of 15 people, a larger budget, and most importantly CPD empowers far more abused and neglected children to take their first steps to healing.


Prior to joining Community Partners of Dallas, Paige served as executive director of Wipe Out Kids’ Cancer, a Dallas fundraising organization that supports pediatric cancer research at Children’s Medical Center of Dallas.  Before moving to Wipe Out Kids’ Cancer, she worked in development for the Dallas Symphony Orchestra.  Paige also served as a political appointee in Washington, D.C. for the Honorable William J. Bennett in both the Reagan and Bush administrations at the Department of Education and the Office of National Drug Control Policy.


McDaniel credits CPD’s tremendous board and staff, the generous Dallas community of donors and God for her success in expanding the agency and serving more children.


“I cannot even explain the gift I have been given to lead Community Partners of Dallas for all this time; and we all know that there is no better city in the world than Dallas,” McDaniel said. “The people of Dallas care about helping those in our community who are victims of abuse and neglect, and it has been my privilege to be the conduit for their philanthropy.”


McDaniel’s most gratifying accomplishment was creating the vision and plan for the agency’s 48,000 square foot headquarters, which included finding and purchasing the property, leading and completing a capital campaign, and fully renovating the facility.


“I am in awe each day when I enter our building.  I see the children who receive clothing, shoes, and hygiene products to help them on their journey to healing, as well as the CPS caseworkers who valiantly knock on doors most of us wouldn’t dare to knock upon.  I am grateful to have such wonderful memories and will continue to support CPD financially and with every ounce of my heart,” she added.


McDaniel is looking forward to spending more time with her family, friends, and travelling, and of course looks forward to serving the community through volunteer service.  She currently serves on the foundation board of CC Young and is a long-time member of the Junior League of Dallas, Highland Park United Methodist Church, The Dallas Assembly, Charter 100, and is an alum of Leadership Dallas.


The Community Partners of Dallas board of trustees will announce its plans soon on filling the organization’s president and CEO position. 


About Community Partners of Dallas

Since 1989, Community Partners of Dallas has ensured safety and restored dignity and hope to abused and neglected children by providing crucial resources and support to the caseworkers of Dallas County Child Protective Services.  Community Partners of Dallas provides items such as winter coats, diapers and formula, holiday gifts, school uniforms, personal hygiene products, food and more,  to send the abused children in our community the message that someone does care.  Please visit www.communitypartnersdallas.orgfor more information.

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