Shelia Huffman – Guest Contributor
Jul 15 2013
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Over 40 practicing Yogis (and possibly a few of the curious, like myself) packed the Dallas Yoga Center Friday evening, July 12, in anticipation of an hour of total relaxation induced by the sound of a gong.

For the past six years, Kenny Kolter has traveled all over the United States from his home state of Illinois to help people “quiet their mind” through the power of sound and vibration.

Kolter has performed the melodic instrument for Cancer Treatments of America, the State of Illinois Mental Health Facility and for inmates of penal institutions, as well as at Yoga centers throughout the nation. 

What exactly is a gong, and how does it work to produce the effect of relaxation?

A gong is an ancient musical instrument that originated in Asia. The origins of the gong have been traced as far back as 2000 B.C.; however, it is believed that the gong was used long before this time. The sound, or vibration, enters the body through the “crown chakra,” (the top of the head) producing a mantra, and allowing energy to flow through the body. This is not a new theory; the beat of a drum was often used by ancient tribal medicine men in their healing ritual. 

During the 45-minute session Friday evening, some people fell asleep. Others reported feeling totally relaxed and calm.

Nothing special is needed for the experience; simply wear comfortable clothing, and bring a yoga mat or blanket.

Kolter will be in Dallas offering gong meditation for the next 12 weeks. Contact the Yoga Center for dates, cost and reservations.