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Wu's Peacock At Twilight

“When we look at The Creation, we see a glimpse, a tiny glimpse, of the Creator,” began Dr. Debbie Chisolm in her Sunday sermon, “The Divine Artist.”


“Anytime an artist sits down to create, whether it is a painting, a sculpture or a song, we learn something about the artist. They begin with nothing and create something beautiful,” she said.


From The Creation, we learn something about God—His beauty, His power, His presence and His spirit.


As Dr. Chisolm spoke, artists from the congregation were creating beautiful landscape and still life paintings —a part of Central Christian Church series, “Summer of Surprises.”


The artists were, Alice Oats, Carol Keller and Dovie Wu.


Oats has studied at workshops all over the United States, held four one-woman shows and sold over 100 paintings.  “My passion is flowers” said Oates and she often quotes John Keats, “A thing of beauty is a joy forever.”


Keller began painting in college and said that she has dabbled in it ever since.  She and her late husband traveled extensively and she became fond of painting with water color.  “Water color dries quickly and I could pack it in the suitcase and move on,” she said, “but I believe that some of my best work has been on slate.”


Wu is co-owner of Artist’ Showplace in Dallas. A signature member of the Southwest Watercolor Society, her work has been accepted in both the Southwest Watercolor Society and the Pastel Society of the Southwest, juried shows. She won the Best of Show for the Vertu 2010 show.


"Although music and dance have been lifelong interests of mine, I found that being a painter was the easiest medium for expressing my innermost emotions" Wu said.


The paintings that were begun during Sunday worship will be completed by the artists and then donated to Central for a silent auction later in the year.


Central Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) is located at 4711 Westside Dr., just off Mockingbird Lane. Sunday worship is at 11:a.m. and the sermons are broadcast on WRR 101.1 FM at 9 a.m.


Each Sunday, this summer, there will be a surprise in store at Central Christian Church.

Come and see!  You will be surprised and delighted.



Peacock At Twilight

Though my majestic feathers may sustain longer than your life, My body will decay before your eyes I'm ready to soar again at twilight, in the glowing ray from the sky, That He may intercept my celestial form under His mighty arms. ~Dovie Wu







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