Shelia Huffman – Guest Contributor
Jun 8 2012
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Food swapping in Lakewood and the M-Streets! Who would have thought it could be so much fun? The Dallas Taste
of Honey Food Swappers, that’s who! Started a year ago by Denise Molina and Darlene Rosen, the “swap” meets monthly and invites locals to show off their culinary talents with homemade, homegrown, home canned, home forged food

My friend and neighbor Kathy Harris and I enjoyed the June food swap at the Wine Therapist on Skillman Street in Lakewood on the evening of Thursday, June 8.

Here’s how it works. You bring four food items (cleverly packaged is a plus) and some extra for tasting. I took Peaches and Scream, a home canned peach and serrano pepper jam and some canned bread and butter pickles. Kathy took Cowgirl Candy, candied jalapeños.

The participants display their items and their sample on the tables, get a glass of wine or beverage of choice and begin sampling the presentations. If you taste something that you want to take home, bid on it. Not with cash but with the food item that you brought to swap. After ample time for tasting and bidding, the exchange begins.

I left with an absolutely delicious Salsa Roja, Wedding Brisket Rub - so named because Mom had created it for her daughter’s wedding reception - a variety of organic herbs beautifully presented and my friend Kathy’s, Cowgirl

In addition to the food items, I had enjoyed a fun evening and met some new people who share one of my
greatest loves. Yes, I’m a foodie. I love eating, cooking, learning and sharing food and this is a terrific way to meet others in your neighborhood who enjoy the same.

Next month’s food swap will be on Swiss Avenue. Watch the Dallas Guide for date and time, sign up online and start cooking.