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   Dominique James, currently ranked number 1 at Bryan Adams HS, has achieved a feat that is worthy of celebration. She has become the first person in Bryan Adams history to receive the prestigious Gates Millennium Scholarship. Gates selects 1,000 students throughout the country that exemplify strong leadership, community service and academic achievements to fully fund their undergraduate education and beyond. Ms. James wants to become a biomedical engineer and is planning on attending the University of Rochester in New York. As part of the Gates Millennium Class of 2015, Dominique has been recognized as a Leader for America's future. This is just a culmination of all the hardwork Dominique James has done throughout her life--Captain of our Bryan Adams Drill Team, the Belles, part-time employee, member of the Academic Decathlon team, and so much more. Dominique exemplifies perserverance, academic excellence, but most importantly--humility. 

   On April 21st, her mother, along with counselors and other school advisors, surprised Dominique with balloons and flowers in the cafeteria at Bryan Adams HS as a way to celebrate her. We are very proud of all of her accomplishments and very proud that she is a cougar! Congratulations on all of your future endeavors, Dominique!!

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