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Rev. Sandhya Jha and Central Pastor Dr. Ken Crawford

“Listen to the people who often get ignored,” guest preacher Rev. Sandhya Jha encouraged the congregation Sunday morning during her sermon “Listening to the Folks God Chooses” at Central Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). 

Rev. Jha visited Dallas and Central from Oakland California where she serves as founder and director of the Oakland Peace Center, a collective of 40 organizations creating access, equity and dignity for all in Oakland and the San Francisco Bay Area. 

She is the author of “Room at the Table,” the history of people of color in the Disciples of Christ denomination and “Pre-Post Racial America: Spiritual Stories from the Front Lines” on the subject of race and spirituality in America. “Pre-Post Racial America” was listed as one of the top five books on race and religion in 2015 by Publishers Weekly and is available through Chalice Press.  

Rev. Jha serves as an anti-racism/anti-oppression trainer with Reconciliation Ministries for the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). 

Also serving as a guest to Central’s magnificent chancel choir was Tenor Daniel Dudley who performed “Zion’s Walls” and “At the River.” 

Following the service was a reception and book signing in the church fellowship hall. 

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