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Suzy Lynskey and Lisa Church

Central Christian Church enjoyed a spaghetti dinner and chocolate buffet in the church fellowship hall Sunday afternoon to celebrate forthcoming Valentine’s Day and Week of Compassion. 

Week of Compassion, February 19 – 26,  is the way the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) responds to humanitarian disasters at home and abroad, whether caused by nature or human action – around the year / around the world. 

Guest speaker Suzy Stanfield Lynskey, a board member of the Week of Compassion Mission Fund, explained how the money donated during the Week of Compassion is used to benefit people affected by catastrophes. 

Thanks to everyone who made the day a special day of love and compassion.  Park Cities’ residents Nancy Anderton prepared spaghetti and meatballs and Rosemary Davenport and daughter Alyson Stueve lit up the room with twinkling table decorations.  A crew of church members helped with lunch preparation, dessert smorgasbord and clean-up.  

There is always something to celebrate at Central.  “Mardi Gras Sunday” party will be February 26 following morning worship.  Fellowship Hall will resemble Bourbon Street and we will enjoy a jazz band from the University of North Texas.  There will be dancing and Cajun-style goodies like file gumbo, crawfish pie, King’s cake and pralines.  All are welcome!      

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