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Members and guests of Central Christian Church enjoyed a delightful program and luncheon Tuesday morning at the February meeting of Disciple Women’s Ministry. 

This year’s theme for the National Disciples Women’s Organization is “The Table and Beyond: Lavish Hospitality in the Bible.” 

President Anne Pogson’s presentation of “A Simple Meal can be Lavish with God in it” was genuinely captivating, resulting in a heartfelt applause.                             

Anne shared details of the miraculous event (along with the back story) of Jesus feeding 5000 men plus women and children with only five loaves of bread and two fish.  

“This miracle is the only one, other than the resurrection, that is mentioned in more than one book of the Bible and it is cited in all four Gospels,” Anne said.   

Following the program and business meeting the group gathered in Fellowship Hall for a delicious lunch.  Themed on “feeding the masses with bread and fish” the women enjoyed soup, tuna salad sandwiches and a dessert smorgasbord.  

If you would like to attend the Disciples Women’s meetings, contact the church office for more information.  You do not have to be a member of Central to be a part of this informative and fun group.  

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