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Jill Beam performs at Central Christian Church

Jill Beam, local entertainer and 2015 Ms. Texas Senior entertained the Disciples Women of Central Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) Tuesday morning to get the organization’s New Year off to a “bang-up” good start.  

The purpose of Disciples Women’s Ministries is to provide opportunities for spiritual growth, enrichment, education and creative ministries enabling women to develop a sense of personal responsibility for the whole mission of the church of Jesus Christ. 

The group meets once a month to enjoy an inspiring program and share lunch following a business meeting.  Some of the recent charitable endeavors undertaken by the women include collecting donations for Bryan’s House, filling Santa lists for children at a local low-income school and providing blankets that were distributed to Dallas homeless through MetroCareCenter. 

Jill did a song and dance based on the theory, “You’re Not Getting Older, You’re Getting Better.” 

About winning the title of Ms. Texas Senior, Jill said, “My philosophy is based on Matthew 6:34, to live each day to the fullest and not worry about tomorrow and not to think about yesterday, it’s gone. Winning was not about the crown and sash, but the glory of promoting senior women and to give them honor, as each senior woman has a story to tell of achievement and adversity.” 

The Ms. Texas Senior America Pageant has been in existence for more than 25 years. The pageant's goal is to enrich and empower the lives of all seniors and promote the senior woman in all her glory. The Ms. Texas Senior America Pageant seeks recognition of their achievements, motivating, and encouraging them to attain their full potential. The ladies who enter the contest come from all walks of life and they all have a story to tell.

“You must be 60 years old to enter the pageant,” Jill said.  She encouraged anyone interested to consider entering.

The pageant champions healthy aging, wellness, and mental well-being, and the contestants exemplify the "positive image of aging," re-defining the senior woman.

To close yesterday’s act, Jill performed the talent that helped win her the Ms. Texas Senior title — a baton twirling, singing, dancing, “tongue in cheek” routine of “I don’t want to show off no more” from “The Drowsy Chaperone.” 

“Mother and I saw the musical ‘The Drowsy Chaperone’ together on Broadway and we loved it. When I decided to enter the pageant, I chose to perform it for my talent,” Jill told the audience.  

“Mother” is Dallas icon — Rose Mary Rumbley — and Jill’s father was the late Jack Rumbley, legendary drummer and band director, so it is no surprise that Jill is loaded with talent. 

After winning Ms. Senior Texas, Jill went on to Atlantic City to become one of the top-ten finalists in the Ms. Senior America Pageant. 

Following Tuesday’s program and a business meeting, the women enjoyed a baked potato and salad bar.

You do not have to be a member of the church to enjoy Disciples Women’s Ministries.  If you would like to be a guest at a meeting, contact the church at 214-526-7291.

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