
The Stonewall Jackson PTA is calling on parents to volunteer and help out with the Starry Night Silent Auction that is coming up later in the spring. The PTA is assembling a team of parent volunteers to contact local businesses for donation-services, merchandise and/or sponsorships.

The Starry Night Silent Auction has been a very successful fundraiser for Stonewall Jackson in the past and it's all thanks to the parents who help out. Any interested parents should attend the Solicitation Team Kick-off Meeting on Friday, January 20 in the cafeteria after dropping off their children in the morning.

For parents that want to help but can't spare the time, there are other ways to support the fundraiser. The PTA is always looking for personal donations (art work, jewelry, unused gift cards) or contacts with businesses that can help gain items for the silent auction or a sponsorship. And if solicitations are your strong suit, the PTA needs help with PR, admin and ticket & t-shirt sales.

However, the most important thing that a parent can do to help out the fundraiser is to attend it and bring as many family and friends as possible. It'll be a good time for all and you never know what might be up for sale.

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