
As Visible Music College prepares to welcome its first class of freshmen to Chicago this fall, plans for its next teaching site are already emerging. Visible will partner with Munger Place and Highland Park United Methodist Churches to launch a site in fall of 2015.

Last weekend the partnership became official as members of the college leadership team in Memphis, including president and founder Ken Steorts, visited Dallas. The teaching site will be at Munger Place Church in East Dallas.

“There is a vibrant church community in Dallas, and we’re going to be in a creative, rebuilding part of the city in east Dallas,” Steorts said. “We believe there are a lot of students in Texas who could benefit – it’s such a musical place. We’re excited to be expanding the Visible vision to the west.”

Equally excited at the prospect is Rev. Paul Rasmussen, Senior Minister at Highland Park United Methodist Church.

“We are thrilled to have the opportunity to assist in developing young leaders in the areas of music and worship,” he said. “By opening a Visible Music College site at Munger Place Church, right in the heart of Dallas, we have no doubt this will create a ripple effect throughout churches in Texas and across the U.S.”

 Students from the Memphis campus of Visible Music College also traveled to Dallas to perform and lead worship at Munger Place and Highland Park UMC, sharing a small glimpse of the talent, creativity and service to the Church that will land in the city in 2015.

“It was a great night of worship with Visible Music College,” Lexi Burkett, who attended the service at Munger Place, said “I truly enjoyed the experience and was so glad to be a part of it.”

For more about Visible, including admissions and other campus locations, visit

Information provided by HPUMC.