White Rock Rowing Hosts Open House for Public



Central Standard Time



White Rock Boathouse
2920 White Rock Rd.
Dallas, Texas 75214

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White Rock Rowing is hosting an open house at White Rock Boathouse Saturday, Nov. 19 from 11:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. for the Dallas community to learn more about one of the fastest growing sports in Texas and the No. 1 recruited collegiate sport in the U.S. – rowing!

The open house will be held in the spirit of the holiday season, inviting the Dallas community to gather over food, refreshments and friendship in a casual setting at White Rock Boathouse – the largest boathouse in the state of Texas. Come learn about the grand architecture of the Boathouse and all the programs it offers on White Rock Lake, plus meet the coaches and local youth who have boosted Dallas to the top of the national rowing scene over the last year! Experience a healthy twist at the open house by trying your hand at rowing on an erg machine and get a close-up look at the inside of a racing boat.

Dallas public invited! Interested youth athletes wanted!