
The renovation process is an extremely complex one, potentially involving thousands of decisions between the day we break ground to the day we add the last finishing touch.  Along the way, communication between us and our client is of paramount importance.  Hence, the weekly client meeting: an invaluable way to ensure that we are all on the same page throughout the life of the project. 

As a matter of fact, before we even touch a hammer or erect a wall, we begin what will become a regularly scheduled series of weekly consultations with the pre-construction kickoff.  At this initial meeting – and for every week thereafter – we review the timeline, budget and intricate details of the project.  Clients anticipate the time and look forward to this weekly opportunity to review all aspects of their project face-to-face.

Here is what clients can expect each week:

  • Appraisal of what happened over the past week
  • Discussion of tasks for the next week
  • Preview of what’s upcoming on the horizon
  • Confirmation of the completion date, adjusted as necessary
  • Assessment of materials and hard dates by which they should be selected
  • Management of any changes that arise
  • Review of the weekly invoice
  • Closure of any old business
  • Discussion of new business

An ongoing weekly check-in allows all of us the ability to deal with questions and concerns in a timely manner, to accommodate change orders and other necessary adjustments to the plan and to eliminate the risk of the timeline and the budget veering off track. 

These meetings are thorough and our discussions are well-documented and detailed, enabling everyone to be on the same page when it comes to the scope and logistics of the project and essentially becoming a “diary of the job” for both the homeowner and us: a true partnership. 

At CB Construction, we value our relationships with our clients and we make collaboration and communication a priority.  Call us today at 214.773.5566 to discuss your next project – we look forward to hearing from you!


If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to call or email me.

Chris Black

5711 Mercedes Avenue
Dallas, Texas  75206

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