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The music lovers of Lakewood have reason to rejoice this weekend as St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church is hosting the fourth annual Spring of Harmony Chamber Music Concert Series starting on Saturday, August 20. There will be four total performances, one per day, on August 20, 21, 27 and 28.

This year's concerts will feature classical and contemporary music from graduates of the SMU Meadows School of the Arts and the University of Texas-Austin Butler School of Music. You'll hear beloved masterpieces performed alongside new works with rock influences.

Saturday, August 20 will showcase "Opera to Hollywood" as tenor John Campione will perform Benjamin Britten opera and hit songs from Broadway and Hollywood musicals.

The next day, Sunday, August 21 will feature Italian cellist Francesco Mastromatteo and Taiwanese pianist Cecilia Kao as they perform the world premiere of a "rock" piece for solo cello by SMU teacher of composition Kevin Hanlon.

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