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In case you're unaware, the City of Dallas has released their proposal for the FY 2011-2012 budget. Many residents have expressed concerns about the budget, prompting the city to have several town hall meetings in various sectors of the city. However, sometimes schedules just don't line up and people aren't able to make it.

So, the city has put up a virtual budget town hall meeting on the city's website (www.dallascityhall.com); City Manager Mary Suhm videotaped the meeting and the city is encouraging interested parties to view the video and give their feedback on the proposal.

Individuals can email their questions and/or concerns directly to the city's budget team, which will answer the questions as quickly as possible and post both questions and answers in an ongoing Q&A as a resource tool.

Check the BubbleLife calendar for dates, times and locations of a budget town hall meeting in your area.

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