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The Dallas Independent School District has created a non-profit organization entitled Leadership DISD. Its main goal is to give its applicants the opportunity to be informed on the complexities of DISD and become the future leaders in PTAs or even school boards.

According to its website, “Leadership DISD develops education-focused, informed leaders within the DISD service area who affect positive change and help to lead support efforts to bring about significant improvements in student achievements.”

Leadership DISD is open to anyone in the DISD service area. The organization encourages parents, non-parents, business leaders and even teachers and principals to sign up and take part. The program is striving for geographic balance and wants members in every area of DISD.

In the end, the goal of Leadership DISD is to build up the capacity of the community to support the school system. If you’re interested in being a part of this, the cost of tuition is $200 and there is an orientation the days of September 23 and 24. Additionally, participants will also attend meetings on the second Friday of every month from October to June from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m.

At the end of each year, each “class” is expected to design a final project that will benefit DISD in some way. The brochure for Leadership DISD lists examples such as painting a school, expanding or creating a mentoring or outreach program  or opening up channels of parental involvement at schools.

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